NEIGRIHMS Shillong Recruitment 2021:
Last Date: 31.05.2021
North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional
Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 01
post of Consultant
(System Analyst) Vacancy 2021.

NEIGRIHMS Shillong Vacancy 2021 Details
Name of Posts: Consultant (System Analyst
No. of Post: 01 (One)
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Master’s Degree in Computer Application/Computer Science or M.Tech (with specialization in computer Application) or BE/B.Tech in computer Engineering/computer Science/Computer Technology of a recognized University or equivalent.
2. Five years’ experience of Electronic Data Processing, out of which at least two years’ experience should be in actual programming OR
3. Degree in Computer Application/Computer Science or Degree in Electronic/Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
4. Seven years’ experience of Electronic Data Processing Work, out of which at least three years’ experience should be in actual Programming.
Consolidated Pay: Rs.40,000/- per mon
Age limit: Not exceeding 62 years
How to Apply NEIGRIHMS Shillong Recruitment
Eligible/suitable candidates are requested to submit their applications in the prescribed format alongwith attested copies of certificates & testimonials, two copies of recent passport size photograph.
Complete applications enclosed with all certificate/testimonials
may be sent in the prescribed proforma to the “Recruitment Cell, Establishment
Section-II”, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical
Sciences, Mawdiangdiang, Shillong - 793018 SUPERSCRIBING “Application for the
post of ….”. Last date of submission of applications is 31.05.2021
Important Web Links of NEIGRIHMS Shillong Recruitment
Application Form: Click Here
Details Advertisement: Click Here
Official Website: