Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO)
Date: 30/11/2023.
North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO) has
invited application for the recruitment of 75 Graduate Apprentice and
Technician Apprentice Vacancy for FY 2023 - 2024 under the
Apprenticeship Act 1961. Interested and eligible candidates may apply
online here .

NEEPCO Apprentice Recruitment 2023
Graduate Apprentice
No of posts: 28 posts
Place of training:
1. Assam Gas Based Power Station (AGBPS), Dibrugarh, Assam: Elect/ Mech: 2
2. Agartala Gas Based Power Station (AgGBPS), Tripura: Elect/ Mech: 2 seats and
Civil: 3 seats
3. Kameng Hydro Power Station (KaHPS), Arunachal Pradesh: Elect/ Mech: 1 seat
4. Kopili Hydro Power Station (KHPS), Umrongso, Assam: Elect/ Mech: 3 seats and
IT: 1 seat
5. Panyor Lower Hydro Power Station (PLHPS), Arunachal Pradesh: Elect/ Mech: 3
seats, Civil: 3 Seats and IT: 1 seat
6. Tripura Gas Based Power Station (TGBPS), Tripura: Elect/ Mech: 3 seats,
Civil: 1 seat and IT: 1 seat
Turial Hydro Power Station (THPS), Mizoram: Elect/ Mech: 3 seats and Civil: 1
Duration: 1 year
Monthly stipend: Rs. 18,000/- per month
Essential Qualification:
a) A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University.
b) A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by an Institution empowered to
grant such degree by an Act of parliament.
2. Technician Apprentice (Diploma in Engineering or Technology)
No of posts: 8 posts
Place of training:
1. Assam Gas Based Power Station (AGBPS), Dibrugarh, Assam: Elect/ Mech: 1 seat
2. Kameng Hydro Power Station (KaHPS), Arunachal Pradesh: Elect/ Mech: 1 seat,
Civil: 1 seat and IT: 1 seat
3. Tripura Gas Based Power Station (TGBPS), Tripura: Elect/ Mech: 1 seat
4. Turial Hydro Power Station (THPS), Mizoram: Elect/ Mech: 3 seats
Duration: 1 year
Monthly stipend: Rs. 15,000/- per month
Essential Qualification:
a) A Diploma in Engineering or Technology Granted by a State Council or Board
of Technical Education established by a State Government.
b) A Diploma in Engineering or Technology from a University.
c) A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by an Institute recognized by
the State Govt. or Central Govt. as equivalent to (a) and (b) above
3. Graduate or equivalent in general Streams such as B.A, B.Sc & B.Com.
No of posts: 14 posts
Place of training:
1. NEEPCO Corporate Office, Meghalaya: B.Com: 2 seats and B.A.: 6 seats
2. Assam Gas Based Power Station (AGBPS), Assam: B.A/B.Sc: 1 seat and B.Com: 1
3. Kopili Hydro Power Station (KHPS), Umrongso, Assam: B.A.: 1 seat
4. Tripura Gas Based Power Station (TGBPS), Tripura: B.A /B.Sc/B.Com: 1 seat
5. Turial Hydro Power Station (THPS), Mozoram: B.A.: 1 seat and B.Sc: 1 seat
Duration: 1 year
Monthly stipend: Rs. 15,000/- per month
Essential Qualification:
a) A degree in any subject (other than engineering/ technology) of a minimum
three years duration granted by a Statutory University.
b) A degree in any subject (other than engineering/ technology) of a minimum of
three years duration granted by an Institution empowered to grant such degree
by an Act
of parliament.
c) Graduate examination of professional bodies recognized by the Central
Government as equivalent to a degree (other than engineering/ technology)
4. Trade Apprentice
No of posts: 25
Place of training:
1. Assam Gas Based Power Station (AGBPS), Assam: Electrician:2 seats, Boiler
Attendant: 4 seats, Lineman: 1 seat
2. Agartala Gas Based Power Station (AgGBPS), Tripura: Boiler Attendant: 4
3. Kameng Hydro Power Station (KaHPS), Arunachal Pradesh: Electrician:1 seat,
Lineman:1 seat, Plumber: 1 seat
4. Kopili Hydro Power Station (KHPS), Umrongso, Assam: Electrician: 2 seats
5. Tripura Gas Based Power Station (TGBPS), Tripura: Electrician: 2, Lineman: 2
seats, Plumber: 1 seats, Fitter:1 seats, Boiler Attendant:1 seats
6. Turial Hydro Power Station (THPS), Mozoram: Boiler Attendant:1 seat,
Lineman: 1 seat
Duration: 1 year
Monthly stipend: Rs. 14877/- per month
Essential Qualification:
Boiler Attendant: 10th & ITI Pass
Electrician: 10th & ITI Pass
Lineman: 10th & ITI Pass
Plumber: 8 th Pass & ITI
Fitter: 10th & ITI Pass
Other Criteria of NEEPCO Apprentice
Resident-ship: The
candidate should be a resident of North East India.
Qualification Date:
For Graduate Engineering & Diploma Engineering, the candidate
should have completed his / her Graduation / Diploma not before 1st June, 2022.
For Non-Engineering Graduate or equivalent in general streams
such as B.A, B.Sc & B.Com, the candidate should have completed his / her
Graduation / Diploma not before 1st June, 2022.
Trade Apprentices, the candidate should have completed ITI course.
Id Proof: The candidate must have Aadhaar Card (compulsory) / Pan
Card/ Voter ID Card/ Passport which is required for online registration.
Age Limit: Maximum age 28 years as on 01-11-2023, but not less than 18
Age Relaxation: Age relaxation is allowed for Scheduled Caste/
Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes/ Persons with Disability/
Ex-servicemen, as per applicable Govt. of India rules.
Reservation: Reservation for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ Other
Backward Classes (NCL)/ Persons with Disability/ Economically Weaker Section,
will be as per existing Govt. of India rules.
How to Apply for NEEPCO Recruitment ?
Graduate Engineering & Diploma Engineering
Step I
The Candidates must get himself / herself enrolled / registered with Board of
Practical Training (BOPT), through online enrollment at National Apprenticeship
Training Scheme (NATS), in and
poses a valid enrollment ID generated after successful enrollment.
instance, there may be candidates who possess qualification of both B.Tech and
Diploma. If he/ she apply against Technician (Diploma) training slots, he/she
must register as Diploma only in the NATS portal (
Step II
The Candidates are advised to apply online & select any one NEEPCO
Non-Engineering Graduate or equivalent in general streams such as B.A,
B.Sc & B.Com
Step I
The Candidates must get himself / herself enrolled / registered with Board of
Practical Training (BOPT), through online enrollment in and
poses a valid enrollment ID generated after successful enrollment.
Step II
The Candidates are advised to apply online & select any one NEEPCO
ITI Trade Apprentice
Step 1
The Candidates must get himself / herself enrolled / registered with
National Promotion Scheme (NAPS), through online enrollment at and poses a valid enrollment ID generated after
successful enrollment.
Important Dates of NEEPCO Apprentice
Recruitment 2023
Starting date of submission of online application: 15th November 2023
Last date of submission of online application: 30th November 2023
Important Web-Links of NEEPCO Vacancy
Online Application |
Application Form |
Advertisement Details |
Official Website |