Cement Corporation of India.
Last Date: 10/09/2024.
Cement Corporation of India has invited applications from eligible and
intending candidates for the recruitment of 06 Technical Assistants and Data
Entry Operator purely on a contract basis.

CCI Recruitment 2024
1. Technical Assistant (Technical & Operations Department)
No. of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: B.Tech Degree/ Graduate with knowledge in MS-office.
Work experience: Minimum 01 year.
Salary: Rs. 30000/- per month
Maximum Age: Upto 35 years as on 01.04.2024.
2. Data Entry Operator (HR Department)
No. of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline with knowledge in MS-office.
Work experience:
i) Minimum 01 year ii) Good knowledge of Hindi & English language.
Salary: As per applicable Minimum Wages
Maximum Age: Upto 40 years as on 01.04.2024.
3. Technical Assistant (Material Management Department)
No. of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: Graduation Degree.
Work experience: Candidates with minimum 01 year of experience in a company.
Salary: Rs. 30000/- per month
Maximum Age: Upto 40 years as on 01.04.2024.
4. Data Entry Operator (Vigilance Department)
No. of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: Graduation Degree.
Work experience: Candidates with minimum 01 year of experience in a company.
Salary: As per applicable Minimum Wages
Maximum Age: Upto 40 years as on 01.04.2024.
Application Fee:
Offline payment for registration (non-refundable) for application. Demand Drafts (Mandatory) will be accepted In favor of “Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd, Noida”.
Category-wise registration fees as applicable of candidate are as below:
General/ OBC/ Ex-Serviceman/ Women – Rs.590.00 SC/ST/ EWS/PH – Rs.295.00. Candidates must write the details of Demand Draft (DD No………., DD Amount……, Issuer Bank ….., Date of Issue……) with pen at the end of the second page on the registration form.
How to Apply for CCI Recruitment ?
The interested candidates must submit an application alongwith copies of educational qualifications and experience certificates in a sealed envelope in the prescribed format attached through speed post & address it to
“Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL), BECIL BHAWAN, C-56/A-17, Sector-62, Noida-201307 (U.P).”
The Last date for receipt of application to BECIL is till 10.09.2024 (Closing of Office hrs.)
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